International Missions

Partnering Together Internationally

Partnering Together Internationally

Building a place of worship, support systems, safe places and transportation.

As we partner together, through the direction of the Lord, we see the Lord’s provision and blessing come to pass over and over. With your giving and the anointing of the Lord, Bruce and Joy sow the Word and are putting the enemy to flight. Reaching East Africa and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Kenya and Tanzania.

Donations toward these International ministries provide means to build churches, much needed transportation to keep out of harm’s way in travel from village to village, supporting men and women to a new life beyond prison, establishing a safe house, Bibles, educational material aide in medical care, feeding programs, funeral expenses for young and elderly.

  • Current Needs:
    Bible schools, bible school tuition and transportation for our pastors, education materials, feminine hygiene products
  • Progress Updates:

    Ministry is thriving in East Africa and in West Africa. With our Pastors on ground we send supplies to aid our friends so they can be safe and further walk with Christ.

  • Donate to this Ministry:
Upcoming Events
Bible School - Ministry Education

Bible School - Ministry Education

God’s children learning the Word to offer fellowship with their brothers and sisters.

There are many who are called to a life of Ministry and see the need to help others. These people start with Bible School and learn ways to educate people about the Bible, His word and dedicate themselves to lifelong learning the Word and teaching God’s love. Help us cover the expenses of these individuals, so they can share their gift with the lost all around the World.

  • Current Needs:
    Monetary donations to help put future ministers through training and Bible school. Supplies, educational materials and Bibles for our new ministers to reach Nations as they go into all the world.
  • Progress Updates:

    Scholarships for those receiving education are going forth and expanding the gospel everywhere.

  • Donate to this Ministry:
Upcoming Events
Building Orphanage & Schools

Building Orphanage & Schools

Cornerstone for Mama Joann’s Orphanage (Kenya)
  • We’ve raised enough dollars to begin the first phase of this build, we are starting the foundation in November 2022. Through the hand of the Lord, land has been given to begin. If all funds are available, we will complete the purchase and start raising funds for the build. If you so choose to be a part of this mission, please indicate in your donation and we’ll ensure your dollars are applied accordingly.
  • This orphanage’s namesake is that of my momma who passed in July. Donations have been made in her memory.
  • A SONG IN THE NIGHT. You can have a song in the night. After every trial. After every mile. Anyone can sing when the sun’s shining bright. But you need a song in your heart in the night.
  • The Lord will command His loving kindness in the daytime, And in the night His song shall be with me. – A prayer to the God of my life. Ps 8 NKJV
  • Current Needs:
    Monetary donations
  • Progress Updates:

    Security Fencing: $3000 – Completed!

    Water Well – Completed!

    Orphanage Phase I – In Progress

    External Bathroom Facilities – In Progress

    Joy’s Playground – Coming Soon

    Church Upgrades – Coming Soon

  • Donate to this Ministry:
    Orphanage Phase I
    $300 of $24,000 raised
    External Bathroom Faciliies
    $0 of $4,000 raised
Upcoming Events

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